Department of Mining Engineering


Dr. Khan Gul Jadoon

Phone: 92-5811-960010 ext.284


Everything we use today; if it is not GROWN from the earth, it is to be MINED”

Mining sector always plays a key role in the industrial growth and economic development. The mineral sector provides the raw material for other industries including mechanical, electrical, ceramic etc. Gilgit-Baltistan is blessed with unlimited deposits of precious stones, metals, and other industrial stones. It is estimated that 95% of the precious and semi-precious stones located in Pakistan is found in Gilgit-Baltistan. These include peridot, aquamarine, topaz, ruby, emerald, rare earth minerals bastnaesite and xenotime, sphene, tourmaline, and many verities and types of quartz.
The location of KIU campus serves as a natural laboratory model of modern technology adoption and unique methods for sustainable exploration and exploitation of natural resources. The establishment of Mining Engineering department at the main campus of KIU will facilitate increasing demand of mining sector; attract students of Gilgit-Baltistan, other provinces of Pakistan as well as International scholars.
At the Department of Mining Engineering, we are committed to producing fresh graduates of high caliber.

This department will help for inducting Mining Engineers in the Mining industry. The graduates of this department will contribute to meet the human resource needs of Directorate of Mineral Development, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC), Pakistan Steel Mills (Limestone and Dolomite Quarries), Oil and Gas Development Corporation Limited (OGDCL), Cement factories, Limestone, Marble and Granite Quarries, Tunneling and Gemstone Mining.

The graduates of Mining Engineering will also join, Bunji Hydropower Project, Karakoram Highway, Chipursan coal mine, and other private Mining companies.

Vision Statement of Department of Mining Engineering is as follows:

“To excel in applied science, engineering education and research related to the stewardship and recovery of the earth’s mineral resources, accomplished through professional development of exceptional engineers and scholars for a sustainable global society”.

Mission Statement of the Department of Mining Engineering

The Mission Statement of the Department of Mining Engineering is as follows:

“Sustainable development of mineral resources to contribute to livelihood opportunities and socio-economic development of the mountain societies without jeopardizing fragile mountainous area”.


Alignment of University and Department Vision Statement

Keywords/phrases in University and Department Vision statements, followed by an alignment matrix of the two statements are given in Table 1.1. Key aspects of justification of consistency/alignment between the vision statements of the University and the Department are as follows:

  1. Higher learning institutions are the places where the vision of achieving excellence in education is accomplished.
  2. KIU as a higher learning institution will be the platform where the important component of the vision of the mining engineering department, i.e. striving for excellence in research, will be achieved.
  3. A sustainable global society cannot become a reality without the promotion of a peaceful and pluralistic society.
  4. Sustainable mining and recovery of mineral resources in the mountain society of Gilgit-Baltistan can lead towards the economic prosperity of the region.
  5. An essence of sustainable global society is prosperity in harmony with the environment, culture, and diversity of the society.
  6. Inculcating indigenous and modern world knowledge in mining engineering graduates will result in their transformation into competent engineers.
  7. Knowledge creation at KIU in general and the mining engineering department in particular will result in producing professional scholars.


Table 1.1 Keywords and Alignment Matrix of Vision Statements of University and Department

Key words / Phrase in
KIU Vision Statement
Key words / Phrase in
Department Vision Statement
1 Higher learning institution 1 Excellence in education
2 Promotion of peaceful and pluralistic mountain societies 2 Excellence in research
3 Prosperity 3 Stewardship
4 Harmony with environment, culture and diversity 4 Recovery of mineral resources
5 Use of indigenous and modern world knowledge 5 Sustainable global society


Vision Statement of University and Department  Mapping (Alignment Matrix)
Correlation Level / Scale:  

0 =No Correlation,                   1 = Slight (Low),                        2 = Moderate   


3 = Substantial   


Distinct Elements / Aspects of Department’s Vision


Excellence in Education



Excellence in Research











Sustainable global society



Develop exceptional engineers



 Develop exceptional scholars

Distinct Aspects  of University Vision 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 2 1


Alignment of University and Department Mission Statement

Keywords/phrases in University and Department mission statements, followed by an alignment matrix of the two statements are given in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Keywords and Alignment Matrix of Mission Statements of University and Department

Keywords / Phrase in
KIU Mission Statement
Keywords / Phrase in
Department Mission Statement
1 Human Resource Development (HRD) 1 Sustainable development of mineral resources
2 Synthesis, dissemination, and applications of knowledge 2 Contribution towards livelihood opportunities
3 Values towards sustainability 3 Social development of mountain society
4 Values towards humanity 4 Economic development of mountain society
5 Economic development
6 Environment
Mapping (Alignment Matrix) of Mission Statements of University and Mining Department
Correlation Level / Scale:  

0 = No Correlation,                 

1 = Slight (Low),                      

2 = Moderate (Medium),       

3 = Substantial (High)

Distinct Elements / Aspects of Department’s Mission
1 2 3 4
Distinct Elements / Aspects  of University’s Mission 1 0 0 3 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 2 0 0 0
4 0 0 1 0
5 1 3 0 3
6 1 0 0 0

PEO’s of Department of Mining Engineering

The Mining Engineering discipline expects to produce graduates who have the following qualities and specific goals, presented in Table 1.3.


Table 1.3 PEO’s of Department of Mining Engineering Undergraduate Program

PEO # and

Key Attribute

Description of PEO
PEO # 1:


Capable to design and implement engineering solutions to address technical challenges of mining industry in general and of Gilgit-Baltistan in particular by applying engineering principles.
PEO # 2:

Creativity and

Exhibit ability to conduct cutting edge applied research, contribute to the development of the mining sector as well as occupational safety and health and sustainable mining approaches.
PEO # 3: 

Social Involvement

Display high ethical values as a responsible global citizen, and proficient in communication skills with leadership qualities.
PEO # 4:

Lifelong Learning

Able to accept challenges and ready to endure latest knowledge and professional skills as a life longing process.
 Alignment of Department Mission Statement and PEO’s

Key words / phrases in University and Department mission statements, followed by an alignment matrix of the two statements are given in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4 Key words and Alignment Matrix of Department Mission Statement and PEO’s

Department Mission –   PEO’s Mapping (Alignment Matrix)
Correlation Level :    

0 = No Correlation,                       

1 = Slight (Low),       

2 = Moderate (Medium),         

3 =  Substantial (High)

Distinct Elements / Aspects of

Program Educational Objectives






Social Involvement



Distinct Elements of Department’s Mission 1: Sustainable development of mineral resources 1 0 1 1
2 : Contribution towards livelihood opportunities 1 1 0 1
3: Social development of mountain society 1 0 3 3
4: Economic development of mountain society 1 2 0 3
Involvement of stakeholder in formulation of PEOs

The Mining Engineering Department is currently formulated the PEOs through its departmental Quality enhancement cell and has desired to take the input of other stakeholders including Directorate of Mines and Minerals Gilgit Baltistan, Gem and Gemology Association Gilgit Baltistan etc.

Program Outcomes (PO’s) / Program Learning Outcomes (PLO’s):

(Programme Outcomes are a series of qualities or attributes that a graduate are expected to know or be able to perform or attain by the time of graduation. These relate to the knowledge (cognitive), skills (psychomotor), and behaviour (affective) that the student acquire through the programme.)

Graduate attribute of students graduating from the Bachelor of Mining Engineering Program at KIU will have the following abilities (according to Pakistan Engineering Council’s (PEC) Manual of Accreditation):

  • Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  • Design/Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Investigation: An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.
  • Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The Engineer and Society: An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.
  • Environment and Sustainability: An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  • Individual and Team Work: An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project Management: An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
  • Lifelong Learning: the ability to recognize the importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.


Mapping of Department PEO’s and PLO’s

Mapping of the department’s PEO’s and PLO’s are given in Table 2.1. Learning levels as per Bloom’s taxonomy (shown in Figure 2.1) are also given in table 2.1.

Figure 2.1 Learning levels as per Blooms taxonomy


Table 2.1 Mapping of PEO’s and PLO’s

Correlation Level / Scale:

0 = No Correlation,

1 = Slight (Low),        2 = Moderate,          3 =  Substantial

Learning Level Program Educational Objectives
Graduate Attribute as Program Learning Outcomes PLO # Graduate Attribute Knowledge (K)

Skills              (S)

Attitude        (A)






Social Involvement


Leadership Skills

1 Engineering Knowledge K 3 1 0 0
2 Problem Analysis K 3 3 0 0
3 Design / Development

of Solutions

S 3 3 0 0
4 Investigation K 2 1 0 0
5 Modern Tool Usage S 1 1 0 0
6 The Engineer and Society A 1 1 3 2
7 Environment and


A 1 1 2 2
8 Ethics A 1 1 3 3
9 Individual and

Team Work

A 1 1 3 2
10 Communication S 1 1 3 2
11 Project Management S 2 2 2 3
12 Lifelong Learning A 1 2 0 3


(The Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are elements of Technical or Soft skills that each student must acquire before completion of a specific course (i.e. a subject) taught. CLOs are designed to support and be measurable against PO. CLO is very specific to each course.)

Each course learning outcomes are mapped with the PLOs of BS Mining Engineering Program offered at KIU Gilgit. Sample CLO – PLO Mapping of some of the courses are presented in this section as a reference:

Mining Engineering Fundamentals:          CLOs  – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Define different terminologies used in mining engineering. C1 1
2 Explain the phases/life-stages, unit operations of mining and different types of mine support systems C2 1
3 Discuss different mining methods and the basic theory of auxiliary operations in mining C2 1


Engineering Mechanics :  CLOs  – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Solve problems involving direct application of the concepts of Rigid Body Mechanics (such as Resolution of a force, Moment, Couple) C3 1
2 Determine Resultant force and Geometrical properties of Planar systems. C4 2
3 Analyze Statically determinate Planar force systems to calculate reactions, internal, force and displacements C4 2


Mechanics of Materials: CLOs  – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy


1 Explain different types of stresses, strains, material constants mechanics of deformable solid bodies, load-deflection curve. C2 1
2 Apply theory of simple stress, beam theory to calculate stresses/strains in structural members C3 2
3 Evaluate load carrying capacities of structural members subjected to various loading conditions C5 2


Principle of Explosive Engineering:           CLOs  – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Define various terminologies related to mine explosives and blasting C1 1
2 Describe properties and classification of explosives C2 1
3 Design blast for surface and underground mine C5 3


Computer Applications in mining (LAB):    CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Define computer information technology vocabulary, Concepts and skill C1 1
2 Communicate effectively in both verbal and written form. A2 10
3 Practice on various tasks in academics as well as in Mining engineering industry using computer P3 12




Differential Equations:   CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO. No Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 solve different types of differential equations by understanding fundamental methods and techniques C3 2
2 develop models based on differential equations for different engineering problems C3 3


Rock Mechanics: CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Discuss underground problems involving application of rock Mechanics (stress and strain) C2 1
2 Analyze stress distribution around single and multiple openings. C4 4
3 Evaluate the excavation under different conditions of stress and deformation. C6 3


Numerical Methods in Computing:           CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO. No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1. Describe different numerical techniques in interpolation, differentiation, integration, eigenvalues and solution of algebraic and differential equations C2 1
2. Apply numerical techniques for solution of engineering problems C3 2


Probability and Statistics:           CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO. No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1. Acquire the basic concept of Statistics and probability and their need in engineering C1 1
2. Apply the rules of Probability and Statistics to understand different engineering problems C3 2
3. Analyze various engineering problems through probabilistic techniques C4 2


Applied Thermodynamic:  CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO. No Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1. Explain basic ideas, concepts and laws of Thermodynamics C2 1
2. Discuss the fundamentals and applications of different equipment’s (air compressor, I.C engine, refrigerator etc.) C2 1
3. Solve problems related to thermodynamics C3 4


Computer Programming (LAB):    CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO. No Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1. Identify the fundamental concepts of computing and basic computer programming essentials C1 1
2. Demonstrate the ability to formulate a computer program for a given scenario in engineering P4 5
3. Develop mini projects related to engineering C5 5

Structural Geology:       CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO. No Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1. Identify different geological structures of rocks C1 1
2. Describe the importance of geological structures in engineering design. C2 1
3. Analyze the effects of various geological structures on different engineering projects C4 4


Underground Mine Design:         CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO. No Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1. Explain different techniques of rock mass classification systems used for qualitatively and quantitatively assessment of rock mass environment and underground mining methods C2 1
2. Select a suitable underground mining method for given rock/ore conditions C6 4
3. Design of support systems for underground mine C5 3


Mine Surveying-I (theory):           CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Explain basic working principles of surveying and leveling instruments C2 1
2 Apply basic surveying and leveling principles. C3 1
3 Solve problems related to surveying and leveling C3 2


Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation:     CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Describe various steps of mineral resource estimation C2 1
2 Differentiate between classical statistics and geostatistics C4 4
3 Compare and contrast various aspects of linear geostatistical techniques for resource estimation of recoverable reserves C4 1


Mine Economics and Management:          CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Describe the basic differences between mining and other businesses, and principles of human and project management. C2 11
2 Apply macro and micro economic principles related to metal and mine economics and management principles to plan and schedule project operations C3 11
3 Analyze various capital budgeting methods for Economic Valuation of Mineral Deposits C4 4




Mineral Processing-I (Theory):    CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy
1 Explain mineral processing terminologies and techniques used for preparation of mineral/ore sample, C2 1
2 Describe different gravity concentration methods, classification, metallurgical accounting and control C2 1
3 Solve different problems related to comminution, PSD, classification, gravity concentration methods and MAAC C3 4


Mineral Processing-II:     CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy
1 Explain different concentration methods, liquid solid separator C2 1
2 Assess and Select the best concentration method for mineral/ore C6 4
3 Design appropriate flow sheet for concentration of mineral/ore C5 3


Mine Ventilation:           CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO. No Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1. Explain the basic components of mine ventilation systems C2 1
2. Apply engineering control procedures for handling the dust and gas hazards in a mine C3 4
3. Design ventilation systems applying natural and auxiliary ventilation principles C5 3


Mine Hazards and Safety: CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No.  

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)


Taxonomy Domain PLOs


Explain different types of hazards and occupational diseases in mining operations C2 1


Apply different remedial measuring and management techniques for various mining hazards C3 6


Mining Laws:      CLOs – PLOs Mapping

CLO No. Description Taxonomy Domain PLOs
1 Define the basic terminologies related to mining laws C1 6
2 Paraphrase different sections of prevailing Mines Act, rules and regulations there under C2 6
3 Apply the relevant mining laws in a given situation C3 8


Degrees Offered

  • BE Four Years
First Semester
                                            Courses Theory + Lab.
MATH-301 Mathematics-I (Linear Algebra) 3 + 0
CHEM-301 & 301L Applied Chemistry 3 + 1
PHYS-301 & 301L Applied Physics 3 + 1
GEN-301 Islamic Studies/ Ethics 2 + 0
GEN-303 Pakistan Studies 2 + 0
MINE-101 & 101 L Mining Engineering Fundamentals 3 + 1
16 + 3 = 19
Second Semester
                                            Courses Theory + Lab.
MATH-302 Mathematics-II (Differential Equations) 3 + 0
GEOL-123 General Geology 3 + 0
MINE-102L Computer Application in Mining Engineering 0 + 1
COMP-104 104L Computer Programming 2 + 1
ENGG-124 & 124L Engineering Drawing and Graphics +CAD Lab 3 + 1
ENG-301 English Composition and Comprehension 3 + 0
14 + 3 = 17
Third Semester
                                           Courses Theory + Lab.
MATH-303 Mathematics-III (Analytic Geometry and Calculus) 3 + 0
GEOL-401 Structural Geology 2 + 1
MATH-401 Engineering Statistics 2 + 0
ENGG-201 Engineering Mechanics 3 + 1
ENGG-203 Basic Electrical Technology 3 + 1
ENG-401 Communication & Technical Report Writing 3 + 0
16 + 3 = 19
Fourth Semester
                                           Courses Theory + Lab.
ENGG-202 Fluid Mechanics 3 + 1
ENGG-204 Applied Thermodynamics 3 + 1
MINE-307 Explosives Engineering 3 + 1
MATH-603 Numerical Methods in Computing 2 + 0
MINE-208 Mine Surveying 3 + 1
GEN-*** Social Sciences Optional Course I /Organizational behavior 2 + 0
16 + 4 = 20
Fifth Semester
                                           Courses Theory + Lab.
MINE-301 Rock Mechanics 3 + 1
MINE-303 Mineral Resource Estimation 3 + 1
MINE-305 Mine Ventilation 3 + 1
ENGG-205 Engineering Workshop 0 + 1
ENGG-206 Mechanics of Materials 3 + 1
12 + 5 = 17
Sixth Semester
                                   Courses Theory + Lab.
**** Mine Law 2 + 0
MINE-304 Surface Mine Design 3 + 0
***** Interdisciplinary optional course I /Sustainable Mining 3 + 0
GEN-*** Social Sciences Optional Course II 3 + 0
MINE-306 Underground Mine Design 3 + 0
MINE-304L Mine design Lab(U/G +Surface) 0+1
MINE-308 Mineral Processing-I 3 + 1
17 + 2 = 19
Seventh Semester
Courses Theory + Lab.
MINE-401 Mineral Processing-II 2 + 1
MINE-403 Tunnel and Excavation Engineering 3 + 1
MINE-405 Mine Hazards and Safety 3 + 1
MINE-407 Mine Management 2 + 0
MINE-409 Mine Geotechnical Engineering/dimension stone Mining 3+0
MINE-411 Senior Design Project – I 0 + 3
13 + 6 = 19
Eighth Semester
Courses Theory + Lab.
MINE-302 Mine Economics 2 + 0
MINE-402 Mining and Environment 2 + 0
MINE-411 Senior Design Project – II 0 + 3
4 + 3 = 7


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